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    News & Views 2009
    News & View 2008 Special Reports & Research Papers
    News & View 2007 Unauthorized Practice of Law
    News & View 2006 Advice on "Kooky Laws"

    Click for Pro-Se Self-help Resources on the Web

    Do's & Don'ts for Pro-Se's

    Pro-se's victimized by the courts abuse of power &
    denial of due process rights

    Articles by Legal Activists

    Judicial Opinions Regarding the Self-Represented

    Do's & Don'ts for Pro-se's
    Don't get caught up in rebellion against the legal business, follow the court rules & rules of evidence for your jurisdiction. . . . Learn everything you can about court procedure.

    Excellent attorney produced materials can be purchased at: Jurisdictionary

    Rebellion Alone is not Patriotism by Attorney Frederick Graves

    Advice on "Kooky Laws"

    Pro-Se Specials on Victims-of-Law

    Pro-Se Special Reports & Research Papers

    UPL -- Unauthorized Practice of Law Views

    Legal Crusader Fraudulently Arrested -- By: Jon Roland
    Paralegal arrested

    Pro-se's victimized by the courts' abuse of power & denial of due process rights in violation of the 'Rule of Law'
    The Gene Forte Saga -- California

    The Rick Stanley Story -- Colorado

    Ms. Sassower Goes to Washington -- DC

    Amy Schneider's Fight Against Judicial Racism & Segregation -- Illinois

    Schwarz v. Tulane -- Louisiana

    Court Documents

    Warning to NJ Property Owners -- New Jersey

    The Scott Huminski Story -- Vermont

    Articles by Legal Activists
    Ninth Circuit

    The Ninth Circuit's Interim Report:
    Task Force on Self-Represented Litigants

    Comments on the Ninth Circuit pro se Task Force Report -- 1/5/05

    By: Charles W. Heckman, Dr. Sci.
    A Matter of Justice Coalition (AMOJ)

    Committee for the Ninth Circuit

    Response to the Ninth Circuit Pro Se Task Force Report -- 1/5/05

    By: American Justice Denied

    Judicial Opinions involving a self-represented litigant
    State Of Tennessee V. Corey C. Abernathy

    No. E2005-00266-CCA-R3-CD

    Pro-Se Self-help Resources on the Internet

    AJS [American Judicature Society] --

    Pro Se Links

    Click here for national self-help sites
    Click here for state self-help sites
    Click here for local self-help sites
    Click here for law school self-help sites
    Click here for related organizations

    APSA - American Pro Se Association -- A site especially set-up to help individuals understand the law, properly engage attorney assistance and/or represent themselves is that of the American Pro Se Association (APSA). NEW JERSEY -- AT PRESENT THIS SITE IS NON-FUNCTIONAL

    Citizens Justice Institute -- is designed to provide information for individuals and groups working to challenge abuses of power by government, bureaucracies and the legal system. Our book, How To Win A Lawsuit Without Hiring A Lawyer is a powerful tool for persons wishing to use the legal system to challenge those who are using the machinery of justice to perpetrate injustice.

    The Jailhouse Lawyer -- If you do not know your rights well enough to demand them, you waive them. You would be naive to believe that the courtroom is anything less than a sophisticated battlefield whereupon your adversary attempts to disarm you while setting you up to lose whatever he can take from you. Until people learn how to demand that their rights under law be recognized, they will continue to be slaughtered in the courtroom. Until people become knowledgeable enough in the law to act as counsel for one another, the justice industry will continue to prosper off the misery of the American people. Scott Thurston, the Jailhouse Lawyer, can teach people how to defend themselves in court. He has also discovered the key that unlocks a person's ability to have his choice of counsel.
    A consumer advisory service, intended to provide selected information that is of interest to citizens in Colorado about what takes place in their courts.

    People Before Lawyers -- Putting the rights of citizens ahead of the profits of lawyers -- This organization is for people who are having trouble getting justice in court and are representing themselves pro se. It is also for people who believe in restoring integrity and honesty to the judicial system and make sure that lawyers and judges are required to follow their own rules.

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